
  Wisdom for Seekers of Truth
at the Dawn of a New Era 


Transmitted by
Great Souls Who Guide Humanity


The wisdom contained in "Unveiling the Spiritual Path" has been given to humanity by enlightened Beings who guide our evolution. It reveals the journey of soul unfoldment that is universal to all true paths and spiritual traditions.   

We invite you to read and absorb these teachings and share them with others who are seeking higher light in this critical time of transition. The booklet is intended to ease our way into the new era.
For a group discussion of "Unveiling the Spiritual Path" chapters, join us for
"Circle Conversations" from the Home page.
There are several media options for exploring the message in
"Unveiling the Spiritual Path".


Read the full booklet text with this PDF. 

Click the image to view or download.


Listen to readings from illustrated chapters for a living experience of the message.

Click the image for links to videos for each chapter.


Read  on your Kindle app
or device.

Click the image to


        For a greater understanding,
        hear a reading and discussion
        of the text. 

    Click the image to listen.


The Tree of Light community began as an experiement under the auspices
of the Authors of this book. To read reflections from group members about
this experience, click on this LINK.


"Unveiling the Spiritual Path" is also available in several languages
for downloading and sharing with your network.


Available on these websites.  





Or click to download a PDF in these languages.
More coming soon