On this Creations page you will find a selection of creative works and links to access all of our creations.
We invite you to enjoy and share these items.
Click the meme to enlarge. To share, either right click the image
or use your browser menu, and look for the Share or Copy icon.
Click HERE for links to all Illustrated Quotes (memes)
To see and share many more inspiring memes, also visit NewWavesofLight.org
Click HERE for links to all Illustrated Quotes (memes)
To see and share many more inspiring memes, also visit NewWavesofLight.org
To share a video or meditation, click the link or image and use
the share icon in YouTube.
Click HERE for a playlist of all Tree of Light videos
Click HERE for a playlist of all The Coming One videos
Click HERE for a list of videos by category
"The Heart as Discerner of Truth"
"Who is Responsible for our Planet"
"Luminous New World"
"God IS not dead after all"
"Resurrecting the Capacity to Love"
Click HERE for a playlist of all videos
Click HERE for a list of videos by category
Meditations for the Soul
Click HERE for a playlist of all meditations