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  Welcome to a Tree of Light

A warm welcome to our visitors.  We hope you will find the light you are seeking on these pages. 
The Tree of Light website is the co-creation of a community of kindred souls and the enlightened spiritual Teachers who sounded the note that brought the group together years ago.
The site contains wisdom for these times from illumined Souls on inner planes, and creative expressions of Their wisdom by the community.  Our purpose is to spread truth about this transition to a new era and help to shift consciousness toward creating the world in which we all want to live.  Our world will change when the collective consciousness changes.  
As we forge a lighted path together through this unprecedented time, there are 10 Essential Truths that enlightened Teachers wish to convey to humanity.  You will find them just below.  
In the spirit of the New World,
The Tree of Light Community


Download a PDF of the 10 Truths image above HERE
or downlaod an illustrated flyer of the 10 Truths HERE.

  Find memes and videos of the 10 Truths HERE
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New Waves of Light